The Empire has arrived. Their refugee fleet settles the rimworld, and seeks allies. Their honor-bound culture wields hyper-advanced technology, while bowing to the ancient traditions of kings and queens. Colonists can complete quests to earn honor with the Empire. Honor brings Imperial titles like acolyte, knight, and baron. Build grand throne rooms for your noble as they rise through the royal ranks. Dress them in finery fit for a monarch, or the prestige armor of a great warrior. They’ll make speeches from the throne, inspiring your people, and play piano, harp, and harpsichord. Each title allows you to choose or upgrade an Imperial permit: Imperial troopers, janissaries, and cataphracts drop in to fight for you in times of need. Orbital strikes and orbital salvoes blast your foes from above. Shuttles take you where you want to go. Labor teams help when you are shorthanded. There are multiple ways to develop psychic powers. Those who gain Imperial titles recive powers from the ceremonial Imperial bestower. Tribal colonists can commune with the mysterious anima tree to build their psychic link. Or, you can fight the Empire using stolen psychic technology acquired through quests. There are a wide variety of psychic powers. Some are made for combat: Skip, chaos skip, mass chaos skip, chunk skip, and wallraise move people and objects across distances to gain tactical advantage. Extract wounded allies, cross no man’s land, pull enemies into melee brawls, shift cover where you want it. Painblock and focus modify the mind for combat. Blinding pulse and vertigo pulse blind your enemies or force them to vomit uncontrollably. Neuroquake overloads every conscious being on the map in a huge wave of psychic energy. Berserk, berserk pulse, and manhunter pulse drive people and animals momentarily insane. Invisibility prevents your colonist from being seen during stealth approaches or escapes. Burden and stun slow and halt your foes. Smokepop blocks line of sight. Farskip moves a group of your people across the world. Bullet shield creates a small temporary safe zone for attack or retreat. Flashstorm calls down a storm of lightning. Waterskip showers fires with extinguishing water. Beckon mind-controls foes into approaching you. Neural heat dump moves neural heat to an ally so you can keep casting. Others powers are useful for community management: Solar pinhole creates a long-lasting source of light and heat. Word of trust helps recruitment. Word of joy makes people happy. Word of love induces romantic attraction. Word of serenity ends mental breaks. Word of inspiration confers creative energy. Psychic powers require psychic meditation. Each colonist meditates differently, depending on their title, backstory, and traits: Titled colonists meditate on their thrones according to Imperial tradition. Tribal colonists meditate directly in nature, to the anima tree itself or to constructed shrines or ancient stones. Morbid colonists with psychopath, cannibal, or bloodlust traits meditate to graves. It’s more effective when the grave has a related person in it. Ascetic colonists meditate to blank walls. Pyromaniac colonists meditate to flame shrines made of braziers, torches, and campfires. Everyone can also meditate to sculptures. This expansion adds a large variety of quest content. Since RimWorld is a story-generation game, quests aren’t fixed like in other games. Instead, the system procedurally generates unique quests with every new game. Different goals, foes, guests, rewards, helpers, special threats, and world conditions combine to create endless varied stories and challenges. Quest givers may even provide special helpers during the quest – for example, a quest may ask you to fight a huge mechanoid cluster, but also include help from elite Imperial cataphracts to make the battle winnable. Quests will reward you with Imperial titles, new allies, unique implants, archotechnological artifacts, gear, faction goodwill, and more. Imperial hospitality quests ask the player to host a group of Imperials. The guests may be injured or healthy, useful allies or helpless burdens, single or numerous. They may be hunted by mercenaries, pirates, mechanoids, or more. You might need to get the guests to an escape shuttle under fire. Refugee hospitality quests present a group of impoverished travelers asking for help. There are many outcomes. They may reward you later for your help, or betray you in the middle of the night. A third party may make you an offer to betray them. If you treat them well, they may spontaneously offer to join you. Since they have no faction, you can treat them with kindness or brutality. Animal hospitality quests see you caring for a group of animals struck with sickness or hunted by enemies. Prisoner hospitality quests ask you to keep prisoners under guard. Shuttle crash quests begin with a shuttle crashlanded near your colony, under attack by enemies. Quick