Objective: The stakes are even higher in this heart-pounding sequel to the FPS hit! An insidious threat has arisen in the form of a bio-terrorist organization and their two-pronged Gemini Virus. Your mission: Race around the globe to neutralize the terrorists before the plague is unleashed on humanity. Parameters: Reprise the role of John Mullins: patriot, weapons specialist, anti-terrorist mercenary and “Military Consultant.” Trust no one – only your ability to take out operatives with your brains, brawn and firepower. Failure is not an option. GHOUL II Technology: At the time of the original release, the addition of GHOUL II to the Quake III: Arena™ engine allowed for more animations, ore damage and more pulse-pounding action than ever before – with 36 damage zones and 16 dismemberment zones! Additional features included per-pixel hit detection, fully skeletal, soft-skinned models and a facial animation system for even more realistic characters.